Friday, May 30, 2014

It has been awhile...

I know it has been awhile since I have posted to my blog. Last I posted I was going through my last round of chemo and thinking about what changes I would like to make with my life going forward. I would like to update everyone on what has transpired over the last month and a half.

I finished my last round of chemo and as expected I did nadir out not too soon after. This last round of chemo really kicked my butt.  I was very tired many days and my body has shown the fatigue of six rounds of chemo.  Dr. Brinker has told me that it could take up to a year for me to regain my strength that I have lost from the treatments and lack of exercise.  In addition to the steroids causing me to gain weight.  I think I am now the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  This is something that I will be working on as my strength comes back and my body gets back to normal.  Again because hemoglobin plays a big part getting oxygen to the organs and muscles and Dr. Brinker told me it could take up to a year for that to get back into the normal range.  It might take some time for my body to recover to where I would like it to be.  But, I will be working on it.

Five days after this last round of chemo I had nadired out and had to receive my first blood transfusion. In the 3 weeks that followed I received Blood twice and platelets twice.  Before my counts started coming back up.  The last few weeks have not been easy.  I have been experiencing pain in my right hip that seemed to start after a bone marrow biopsy I had while I was in the hospital last year.  It has become more frequent and there is also numbness along my thigh down to my knee.  Not sure if they hit a nerve or what.  I am hoping to find out soon as I have made an appointment with Dr. Mayle on Monday to see what can be done.

Unfortunately the pain in my hip doesn't allow me to do a lot of walking and at times I do end up taking meds for the pain.  It is just something I am going to have to live with for now.

Happily after I was released from the hospital after my last round of chemo.  We were able to find a car for Karlye and she is practicing to be able to take her road test.  She was very happy and we are happy for her. She has been through alot over the last six months and really deserves it.

We were able to enjoy some family time over Memorial Day weekend and did do some camping with Tara, Steve and the grandbabies.  I really enjoyed the weekend and I did not get winded like I did my last camping trip before we found out I had leukemia.  Although my hip did keep me from doing a few things.

On Thursday May 22, 2014 I had a bone marrow biopsy.  Because of the holiday we were told that Dr. Brinker would call with the results on Tuesday of the following week.  Well, Tuesday came and went and no call.  I decided I could give him some time and thought maybe he might call on Wednesday.  No call on Wednesday.  So a call to the office Thursday to remind them that I would like my results.  In part because he told us when I had the biopsy that I could go back to work the beginning of June and I am trying to make that happen.

Dr. Brinker did call last night.  There is good news and I guess I would call it confusing news.  He did tell me that I am leukemia free.  That there is no signs of leukemia!!  That we will do blood work once a month and I will follow up with him every 3 months over the next year.

The confusing part and something that he says we will have to watch.  Is that, he said the reason the results took so long was because there is a protein in my bone marrow that attaches itself to my white blood cells. That the protein is causing there to be about 5 percent immature white blood cells being produced.  It is not something that I fully understand.  I even asked for him to explain it twice.  He said it was something we will have to keep on eye on.  That was the reason the results took so long.  In part because they re-ran the test a couple times.  He did also add that because of the sensitivity of the test that they perform.  It does get some results that they did not get in years past.  I am still not sure if these immature white blood cells are being released into my blood stream and what impact that will have on my overall health?  But, he did tell me that I need to look for the same signs that I was experiencing when I was diagnosed and to call him if I do.

So, good news for the most part.  Today is Friday and it is my last Friday and weekend of freedom before I return to work.  As long as the paperwork gets done I am returning to work next Tuesday June 3rd.  So for now it is back to a more normal life.  I am still a little apprehensive as I would like more information as to what is to follow.  Maybe if Dr. Brinker would not have mentioned the word "chemo" while trying to explain the protein situation?  Anyways.  He did stress that I was leukemia free and that is what I will focus on for now.  I will get more information in August when I go for follow up.

Now I need to see what I can get done before I go back to work.  LOL!