Thursday, April 17, 2014

3rd day of last round of chemo.

It is the 3rd day of the last round of chemo and so far so good. My counts are actually coming up this week. Just in time for them to be knocked down again! But that is what we want.

Since it has been told to me twice the plan is for me to get out of here Sunday afternoon (Easter). Then Monday blood work and Neulasta shot at Lakeland in St. Joe. Same as before blood work three times a week and blood and platelets when needed. In about 7 to 14 days. If all goes like last time that will be good. 

Dr. Brinker and I talked this morning and he said I can plan on going back to work the beginning of June. As long as everything goes like last round. I will leave the hospital and hopefully a week to ten days later I will nadir out and get blood and platelets and then my bone marrow will start to recover in about a week after that. It will continue to recover to a point where Dr. Brinker feels it is time for a bone marrow biopsy. We will get the results back from that and if all is well, as it should be, I will go to blood work every 6 weeks and office visits every 3 months. That is unless something happens and I am not feeling well and we have a reason for extra blood work etc.

So I am starting to plan on going back to work. Physically I mean. I have been working from home for awhile now. Now I have to get things at the house done before I don't have as much freedom to do things under my schedule. Along with just thinking about being back at work. My JOB for the last 7 months has been my illness. By June I will have been off site for 8 months. That is a long time.

I am sure there is much waiting for me to catch up on. Although working remotely will make that  transition a little easier. I have missed some training and I know I have much to make up. Between NANTEL and Continuing training I could be out in training for a couple weeks easily.

I am so looking forward to feeling better. I am getting a taste of it now even though the chemo is flowing.  My counts are up close to a normal range and I am wanting to do stuff outside in all this nice weather that we are going to have. I am not looking forward to the next crash. But, I am praying it is the last one I will have to deal with.

Now I am starting to think about planning some camping trips and hopefully a nice vacation in July. Not sure where we should go yet. But hoping to figure something out soon. Funny thing is now I am looking at having to put in for vacation time. LOL.

It will be nice not to be getting blood work ever other day and to be able not to have a PIC line sticking out of my arm. Maybe without all the blood test I will feel more like a normal person.

1 comment:

  1. Good day everyone, two months ago  I was diagnosed with (urethral cancer), which had caused me a great deal of pain and pressure on my bladder. My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife. So everyday I was online searching for herbal medication. I never want to undergo any surgery. so. I have so many testimonies on how they were healed by dr. Imoloa herbal medication. without wasting time i contacted him (dr. Imoloa). on how to get the herbal remedies. I received the herbal package in less than a month, and I followed the steps and procedure on how I should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an ultrasound check: it was shocking. The cancer had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and canceled the surgery and with your dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the urethral cancer, along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. a big thanks to God almighty, thank you Dr. Imoloa for the powerful herbal medication you have to cure people. you reach him on Email- WhatsApp number- +2347081986098.
