Friday, October 25, 2013

Getting ready to go into the hospital.

Sunday October 6, 2013

Again I woke up around 6:30 a.m.  Although I am resting a little better there is way to much on my mind to sleep in.  I have so much I need to do and only today and tomorrow morning to do them in.  Today was the day that we had to get things ready for me to go into the hospital tomorrow.  I was trying to go over what needed to be done in my mind.  As I was up before anyone else I did start my morning with a cup of coffee and again on the computer doing research on what ever question I had on my mind at the time.  Most of the questions were about the hospital, which I would be held captive in for at least 4 weeks, and my illness.  So until Cindy got up and moving that was what I did.

When she got up we just sat around and talked for a little while before she decided to make breakfast.

At one point I decided to work on my server and setup a blog.  I had decided that when I found out about my illness that I wanted to write about the experience and detail what I went through just to find out what was wrong with me.  If nothing else it would be something for me and/or my family to look back on in case the worst were to happen.  My thoughts were to also add notes and things about life that I wanted my daughters to know.  I haven't done much of that yet... but I will.

After that is was look at the bills and pay what I could.  Detail to Cindy how I keep track of everything and show her how to get to our accounts and give her the passwords.  Not something that you think about on a day to day basis.

I also wanted to make sure that I could get to information if questions came up that Cindy needed help with of I couldn't remember.  So, I made sure that my systems were setup for remote adminstration in hopes that I would be able to remote in from my hospital room and update files etc.  That has actually worked rather well from up here.

Emily had said Saturday that her and Zane would come over after she got off work today.  So, in the afternoon they showed up and we hung out talking and watching a little TV.  She didn't seem to want to leave and I am glad that she wanted to spend time with me.  But, at 9:00 I was tired and I told them I was going to bed.  Which I did.  She ended up coming into my room and laying on the bed talking to be for a little while.  She told me she loved me and I told her I loved her.  She has grown into such a wonderful young woman and I am so proud of her.  It is too bad for her that she has my stubborness.  LOL.  But, I know that she will do fine and she will succeed at anything she puts her mind to.

Not a bad day but tomorrow wasn't going to be a whole lot of fun.  We had an 11:15 appointment with Dr. Brinker in Grand Rapids to go over the results of the biopsy and to discuss what the treatment plan was going to be.

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