Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Saturday and the next phone call.

Saturday, Ocotober 5, 2013

I think it was yesterday that I had texted all the girls and told them that I wanted to spend time with all of them this weekend.  Dr. Brinker told me I would be going into the hospital Monday and this would be our last opportunity for awhile.  Emily works on Sunday so that probably was not going to be the best time.  Luckily for me they all could make it this afternoon.  Tara, Steve and the boys said they would be down early afternoon.  Emily and Zane said they be there in the afternoon.  But, they had been given free tickets to the Niles haunted house from Zane's mom and they had plans to meet around seven.  It didn't matter.  I just wanted to spend some time with all of them together.

I woke up early.  Around 6:30 and made coffee.  I am still on outage hours I guess.  Plus I really had so many things to do I wanted to get stuff done.  After reading all the information that I had at the hospital and listening to Dr. Brinker spew like an encyclopedia for about 30 minutes.  I still knew that I didn't know enough about the disease that I was facing.  So I spent the morning researching the disease and getting tips about different questions to ask etc.  Even though the government was shut down thank goodness they didn't shut down all their web sites.  Althought there was a disclaimer that the website was not being updated because of the shutdown.

Has a ton of information.  It even has PDF documents that you can print and take with you to your doctors appointments.  It had some useful information that I would not have thought about.  Like recording your appointments with your doctor so that you can remember what he told you.  There is so much information that a doctor gives even in a 5 minute conversation that I know I can't remember it all.  Plus the medical terms etc.
Another thing I learned that I wasn't even thinking about at the time.  (PG-13  alert! do not read if under 13) I learned that chemo can be transferred from the person getting it to their sex partner and that chemo can cause serious birth defects.  It was recommended that men wear condoms when getting chemo treatments and for some time after.  Now I know you would think that if a person is that sick... but you never now.  Another suggestion was that patients write down questions for their doctors so that they make sure they remember what they want to ask them when they are available.  All good suggestions that while dealing with the life or death situation of the disease you might not think about.

I had found out that he would admit me to Spectrum Health Butterworth Hospital so I went to their website and got answers to all the questions that visitors and family would have.  Address, directions, where to park, visiting hours etc.  It has a very detailed website and the information was informative. It was nice to know that Cindy could spent the night with me in my room.  We also fount out that there is Renucci House that is connected to the hospital.  Families and friends of patients can stay there at a cost of $35 a night.  What is nice about this is that they have a common area with 3 kitchens and dining room, a family room, and a kids playroom.  You can bring your own food and use their kitchens to cook a family meal where if the patient is mobile enough they can join everyone over at Renucci for dinner and families can spend time together out of the cramped hospital rooms.  On weekends sometimes a church group will cook dinner for anyone that wants it and it is free.  They also have a minimal pantry with some basic food.  So people can have a bowl of cereal, eggs or even a sandwich. Or they can make spaghetti for a meal.  All for free or donate what you can afford.  Illnesses are expensive and it is nice to know that there are organizations out there that are giving to the families.  Making opportunity for them to spend quality time together.  Because for some these are the last days of their lives.

Anyways research and probably bouncing from one thing to another most of the morning and then getting ready for the kids to show up in the afternoon.  I was looking forward to seeing the kids and the grand kids.  I knew that the times that I would get to see them in the coming months were going to be few and far between.

Tara, Steve and the boys showed up early afternoon and we did what most families do.  We just spent time together.  We talked and just hung out.  I got to play with and hold my grandsons.  To show my children love and to let then know that I loved them very much.  I also got to reassure them that we would make it through this and that I didn't want them to worry about me.  They know I am stubborn.  It is going to take a lot more than Leukemia to take me out.  LOL.

That is not to say there wasn't a tough moment during the day.  Around 3:00 that day I think.  Dr. Brinker did call.  He told me that the pathologist did confirm my diagnoses of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and the plan was still for me to go into the hospital on Monday.  Again he says.  "Bring your toothbrush."

It just so happened that when I was done with the phone conversation I was hungry and we all started discussing where and what we wanted to eat.  Take out was on the menu.  I didn't want Cindy cooking.  I took the opportunity to pause our food conversation and I just said.  "Now is as good a time as any to let you all know.  That was Dr. Brinker on the phone and the test results came back.  They confirm that I do have Leukemia and I will more than likely be going into the hospital on Monday.  I also want you all to know that I love you very much!  Each one of you!  And we will all make it through this."  To be honest my voice cracked a couple of times during that conversation.  I finished it up with. "And that's enough about that!  Let's figure out what we want for dinner and lets eat!"

It was a good afternoon.  Emily and Zane stayed a little later than they should of but it was nice and Tara, Steve and the boys stayed till around 9:00.  A little later than I expected but it was nice also.

Not too long after they left we went to bed.  Everyday is a long day when you have stuff you want to accomplish before going into the hospital.

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