Thursday, February 13, 2014

Had a visit with Dr. Brinker today

Well I did get released from the hospital last Friday, February 7th. It has been nice to be home. They sent me home basically on the medications I was on before I went in the hospital. I was told that they didn't think I needed to continue the Neupogen shots and I have been taking it easy. Only really leaving the house to get my lab work done and when I do I wear a mask. I really don't want to end up back in the hospital.

I have been working and doing the things that I normally do like paying bills and taxes. Or at least trying to get my taxes done. I want to have these things done before I go back in the hospital for chemo.

My bone marrow is not responding like it did the last few times I had chemo. It is taking a long time for it to come around. My immune system is still compromised. It is just not producing or rebounding like we had hoped. My counts are staying flat. Just high enough not to need blood products but not rising.

My platelets have stayed at 23 all this week and all the other counts have stayed about the same. This is why I am keeping out of public as much as possible and when I do go in public I wear a mask.

I was worried that Dr. Brinker would want me to go back into the hospital too soon. But, I am relieved to say that we have decided to wait on my next round of chemo to at least March 3, 2014 and if my counts are not up at that time we will wait until they are closer to normal. So, I have two weeks for my bone marrow to hopefully get back to normal.

He also told us that he will be giving me a different shot when I leave the hospital next time that is like the Neupogen shots but last for two weeks. He hopes that by doing this my counts will not stay low as long. He is also considering changing the dosage of chemo he puts me through the next time. But we will see what happens when I go back in the hospital the next time.

Now I just wait for my bone marrow to start producing and try to stay healthy and out of the hospital in the mean time.

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