Sunday, February 23, 2014

Thank you to the Community of Coloma and friends new and old!

I just want to thank everyone that came to the benefit today at North Berrien Fire and Rescue!

We can't thank everyone enough for all your generosity. I was able to be there for a couple of hours but could not stay for the whole time.

I know that I should not be surprised by the generosity of this community. It was so nice to see and talk with so many people. Some that I have not seen in a long time. I know that there were some I did not get a chance to talk to and thank personally and for that I am sorry.

I know that an event like this doesn't happen by itself and I want to thank everyone who was involved for taking the time out of their busy schedules to help with the benefit.

I know that I probably don't know all the people that are responsible for everything so I apologize for not mentioning you by name. But, I know that I wish to thank everyone that attended the breakfast. I also want to thank all the fire fighters that worked hard on the grill and behind the scenes making sure everyone got a delicious breakfast.

I would also like to thank the Meyers family and the Bell family. Both have put so much time and energy into helping make the benefit such a success.

I know that if it wasn't for the generosity of all of you that dealing with my illness and Karlye's would be so much harder. We have been blessed by everyone's generosity and it means a lot being in your thoughts and prayers.

My family thanks you from the bottom or our hearts!

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