Friday, November 29, 2013

Not sure how to put this.

We had decided to wait until after Thanksgiving to disclose this news.  As some already know my youngest daughter Kalye had a biopsy of one of the lumps in her neck on Tuesday.  It was surgery and she had a difficult time after because of the anesthesia.  We got her home and she got through that part and although she is sore she is doing well.

My wife Cindy received a call from Dr. Bovenkirk that they needed to see us Wednesday and to have the office fit us in whenever we could get there.  The roads were horrible and we got stuck on the highway because of traffic.  But, we finally made it there around 2:00 p.m.  

As some would suspect when a doctor calls you unexpectedly and wants to see you it is not good news.  Long story short.  The pathologist had determined that the lymph node that was removed, which was so inflamed, was determined to be caused by a cancerous thyroid.  To put it another way they told us that she has thyroid cancer.  

Dr. Bovenkirk detailed that the course of treatment was to remove the thyroid gland and the remaining swollen lymph nodes in the neck.  He also informed us that they found some swollen lymph nodes in her chest during a CT scan a few weeks back and they may need to be removed as well.  We will need to discuss this with a specialist to determine the final course of treatment.

So, we need to decide where Karlye is going to go for treatment.  We have three recommendation. The University of Chicago, U of M or a doctor out of Indianapolis.  We will be looking into them and make a decision early next week.  

I have to say that this is not anything we expected to hear and we are trying to stay positive.   We love you Karlye!

Please keep Karlye in your thoughts and prayers as we work through this very trying time.

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