Saturday, December 21, 2013

Karlye update.

I haven't posted to my blog since before the day of surgery.  For those that don't know Karlye had a really long day Thursday.  She was in surgery 7 hours.  Normal thyroid surgery is approx. 2 hours.  There was more disease that what the doctors expected and it took considerably longer.  During the surgery, and as a result of where some of the cancerous lymph nodes were, she had a collapsed left lung. The had thought this would seal itself. But, x-rays in recovery revealed it was worse and they had to put in a chest tube.

We had left Michigan at 6:30 a.m. that day and we did not get Karlye to her room until 1:30 in the morning. A long day for all of us to say the least.

Dr. Blair stopped by last night and gave us more information on the surgery. She told us that there was more disease than they expected.  More than they had seen on the CT scans.  Besides the lymph nodes on the right side of Karlye's neck there were some behind her collar bone down in her chest. There was also one behind her trachea and one in front.  She did tell us that she took out all that she suspected to be cancerous. But, she did leave it open to there might be more and it is always possible that more surgery may be needed in the future.  But, we are hoping that is not the case.

The past two days Karlye has been resting but sore from the chest tube.  Actually more than her surgery site. She seems to complain more about the IV spot in her hand and the chest tube.  We are hoping that the chest tube will come out today so that she can move around more without the pain.

As far as Cindy and I go we have been staying with Karlye as much as possible.  Actually Cindy has not left her side and I just left long enough to get my blood work done and change clothes at the Ronald McDonald House.  We decided to both sleep in the room with her so that we are here.  Besides, I really didn't feel like being alone over at the Ronald McDonald House.  Although it is a very nice place with nice rooms.

Today we are hoping to get the chest tube out and get Karlye to take a walk or two.  We know she is not in a condition to come home today and probably not even tomorrow.  We will just have to wait and see.


  1. Thank you for the update Anthony. Lorene and I have been praying for you.

  2. Continued prayers for all of you, Anthony. God is with you and he is miraculous.
